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In this clip Officer Tomiko puts Sikora in transport chains and then leaves her to wait in the cell some more.  Later she takes Sikora out and walks her down the hall.  This clip is a little shorter than usual, but I have some long clips for tomorrow and friday.

Length: 4:19

Size: 80MB

Format: MP4

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Length: 6:15

Size: 114MB

Format: MP4

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In this clip Hannah is in the holding room playing with a pair of handcuffs when Officer Sahrye comes in.  She goes to take the cuffs off of Hannah and Hannah thinks it is funny to fight Sahrye for them.  Officer Sahrye isn’t into playing games and throws Hannah on the floor and cuffs her behind the back and takes her to a jail cell.  Later Hannah’s boyfriend comes and wants to visit with her.  It is after hours, but Sahrye agrees to a short visit.  She puts Hannah in lots of chains just to be mean and then throws out Hannah’s boyfriend right away for hugging Hannah.

Length: 9:40

Size: 178MB

Format: MP4


Today’s update will be posted soon, but I just wanted to write a short note to update everyone on things and answer some questions that were left as comments.  The last couple of weeks I have been really busy shooting…which is good, but leaves me little time to interact with members and answer emails.  I still have some shoots coming up, but I won’t be as busy as I have the last couple of weeks.

The first thing I wanted to talk about is the new website.  I mentioned it before and I’m still working on it.  I had some issues with getting things to work right with the video encoding, but I believe I have it working correctly now.  I have a few videos added to it, but need to get more added before I open the site.  As I pull the videos from the current site I will put links to the new site in place of the download link.  My plan is to add a few hundred videos and then start adding all new videos to the new site.  I’ll then add archive videos every week until every video is on the new site.  The current site will remain open until all videos are moved over.  This way between the new site and the old site every video will be available to members.  If I wait until I move every video over it would probably be a year before I opened the new site.  You can view the way the new site will be by visiting  I still have some template work to do, but the new site will allow you to stream the videos or download them in various formats.  Longer videos will have the option of downloading it in smaller parts.  Each video will also have a screen cap gallery that you can view which will give you lots of previews.  There will also be a mobile version of the site so you can watch videos on the go.  It’s a lot of work, but I think it is important to update the site to keep up with the times.  There are lots of other new features I will talk about when the site is officially open.

The other thing I wanted to talk about is the studio.  I still have a ton of work to do and I’m making progress.  I hope soon to have it cleaned up more and painted so it looks nicer and cleaner.  I will have another jail cell right next to the current one that will be basically an exact copy.  The wooden doors will be replaced with steel bars soon.  I have to have them custom made so it takes time and I want them to be real and heavy duty.  I’m also close to getting the shower room finished.  I have it completely cleaned out so now I just have to install the plumbing for the shower heads.  We also have a whole  other section of basement that I haven’t used yet.  Once that gets cleaned out I’ll have a lot more room and more possibilities for shooting.

I’m also calling around looking for a van for the prisoner transport cage.  I’ve looked at a few, but I’m still watching to get a good deal on one.  I’m looking forward to getting the cage installed and doing some transport clips.  I am also planning some river/lake patrol clips where girls get arrested on the water for riding their jet skis while under the influence and things like that.  I may be able to do those this month, but for sure next month.

I’ll update again when I get the jail doors done or get a van.

Thanks to everyone for their memberships and support,


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Number of Photos: 57

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In part 1 Sikora is out working the streets when Officer Tomiko finds her and places her under arrest.  She cuffs Sikora behind the back, searches her, and then takes her away to the jail.  At the jail Sikora is left cuffed behind the back for a little bit and then her cuffs are taken off and she is given a jail uniform to put on.

Length: 7:18

Size: 134MB

Format: MP4

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In this clip Charlie is in jail and has a really mean guard that likes to mess with her.  Megan plays the cop who comes in and searches Charlie because she heard that Charlie was hiding a handcuff key.

Length: 5:54

Size: 108MB

Format: MP4

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In part 2 Hannah is taken into the jail and put in a jail cell still in her transport restraints.  Later the officer takes her to another room and removes her cuffs so she can undress and put on a jumpsuit.

Length: 7:03

Size: 129MB

Format: MP4

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Length: 7:47

Size: 143MB

Format: MP4

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In this last part Star gets her cuffs taken off to go in the court room.  After seeing the judge she gets cuffed behind the back and cuffed to the bench while she waits.  Next she is given jail clothes to put on and then gets put into transport chains.  She is then put into a jail cell and her cuffs are taken off through the door.

Length: 12:37

Size: 231MB

Format: MP4